Categories alicia josipovic daniel kelly interviews jordan todosey munro chambers samantha munro season 11

Cast Members Describe Summer Season Finale

Cast members Alicia Josipovic, Daniel Kelly, Jordy Todosey, Munro Chambers, Samantha Munro tease the finale with Hollywood Life in a short clip taken from a longer video that will be available after the finale broadcast.

Just how intense is tonight’s mid-season finale of Degrassi? “It’s about as ‘Oh my God’ as it gets,” Daniel Kelly told during a recent visit to the show’s Toronto set.

Read the rest here.

Categories behind the scenes charlotte arnold daniel kelly interviews ray ablack samantha munro season 11

Exit Interview featuring Charlotte, Ray, and Samantha

The seniors have officially graduated from Degrassi and with the new format, the cast members playing those seniors graduate from the show as well. Hollywood Life was on set to interview Charlotte Arnold, Ray Ablack, Samantha Munro, and a cameo from Daniel Kelly in this video. Read the rest here.

Categories interviews samantha munro

The Star Scoop Interviews Samantha Munro

Samantha Munro is next up in this non-stop series of interviews. She talks to The Star Scoop about Anya coming back in season 11, the Sav/Anya relationship, her singing ability. & she tells us a funny story about Luke:

THE STAR SCOOP: Do you have any fun facts or things people don’t know?

SAMANTHA MUNRO: I have a really good story, probably nobody would have told you about [laughs]. It’s a prank Luke [Bilyk] played. I think it might kind of interesting for everybody to hear.
This one time, we all got out of set and Munro [Chambers] was driving us all and we all went out to dinner . And there’s this note left on the car that says, hi, sorry I hit your car. Here’s my name and number. Give me a call. It was 7:30 at night. We must have spent a half an hour standing over this car trying to find a dent or a scratch or anything like that. So we ended up calling the number and some random guy answers the phone and we’re like hey, is this Tom or whatever his name was. He says no, I think you’ve got the wrong number. And I said let me see the note, and sure enough, it’s Luke’s handwriting and he thought he’d be funny. I think he’s stepped up as the head prankster on the set.

Click here to read the full interview.