10 Comments on “New HQ Promotional Pictures”

  1. @Julia….we dont kno for sure if it was a car crash…but were all hoping wutevr happend was an accident

  2. @Julia….we dont kno for sure if it was a car crash…but were all hoping wutevr happend was an accident

  3. thats for sure i mean if he intetualy killed her and know feels gulty im preety sure he and clare would never become a thing. THEY NEED TO BE A THING ! but in reality im cinda sure that it is in a car crash cause even thougt at first he seem all dark but after getting to know his charecter hes sweet and has a strong loyalty to his freinds and rely deosn’t jude people much. Unless your a bully of coures. LOVE THE EPASODIE THAT ELI SENDES FIZS TO JAIL FOR A CUOPEL HOURES

  4. thats for sure i mean if he intetualy killed her and know feels gulty im preety sure he and clare would never become a thing. THEY NEED TO BE A THING ! but in reality im cinda sure that it is in a car crash cause even thougt at first he seem all dark but after getting to know his charecter hes sweet and has a strong loyalty to his freinds and rely deosn’t jude people much. Unless your a bully of coures. LOVE THE EPASODIE THAT ELI SENDES FIZS TO JAIL FOR A CUOPEL HOURES

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