Categories cast: current charity free the children

Support Free The Children & We Day 2010!

It’s that time of year again! We Day 2010 is almost upon us, and this year it’s going to be better then ever! Fresh off their trip to India where they built a school, the cast of Degrassi are still involved in all sorts of Free the Children initiatives.

Firstly, Epitome tells us that for every person who “likes” the We Day Facebook Page, sponsors will donate $1 to Free The Children development projects! That’s up to $1,000,000! And all it takes is the click of a button. So get on it Degrassi fans – here is one way you can help out! Click here to like We Day RIGHT NOW.

Secondly, We Day will be taking place in Toronto on Sept. 30th beginning at 9:30am ET and Vancouver on Oct. 15th at 9:00 PST. Students from all across Canada will be in attendance. If you’re like me and not one of those lucky students, you can still watch the entire thing live streamed online!! All of the info can be found at! As to whether or not the Degrassi cast will be in attendance, we’re not 100% sure yet. They have been there every year since We Day started (here they are in 2008) so I’m keeping my fingers crossed! But Epitome tells me that they are still shooting episodes so schedules need to be worked out.

I’ll have more about We Day as we get closer to the date! In the meantime, here are a few videos the Degrassi cast did with Free the Children:
The cast recaps We Day 2009
Degrassi gives their 10
Degrassi in Kenya
Degrassi in Ecuador

Update: The cast will be at We Day this year but they aren’t speaking on stage.