Categories interviews shannon kook-chun

DJGENERAL Interviews Shannon Kook-Chun

The latest in DJGENERAL’S Degrassi interviews is with Shannon Kook-Chun. You can find the interview over at Shannon gives some really great answers to a lot of questions the fans were especially interested in. Here is an excerpt:

How is Degrassi different from the other acting jobs you’ve had in the past?
The family of the cast and crew is really different. I mean this show has 10 seasons under its belt not to mention the other 20 before that. It’s a family when you walk through that set. The crew is a mean green machine and lovely vibes and smiles and the cast is just a puppy pile of love. But when I’m not shooting I’ll be going from wardrobe, to producers’ offices and to publicity chatting away and distracting them. I feel really fortunate to be a part of this family.

Make sure you read the full interview over at Degrassi Blog!