Degrassi is a Canadian teen drama franchise that premiered in 1979. Originally created by Linda Schuyler & Kit Hood , Degrassi is a international iconic brand known for telling stories about young people in an honest and authentic way. Over the past 40+ years, Degrassi has been around in various incarnations including The Kids of Degrassi St. (1979 - 1986), Degrassi Junior High (1987 - 1989), Degrassi High (1989 - 1991), Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001 - 2010), Degrassi (2010 - 2015), and Degrassi: Next Class (2016-2017). Despite changes in culture and technology over the past 40 years, this little Canadian teen drama has continued to touch the hearts of thousands of kids (and adults!) around the world. In the words of Executive Producer Linda Schuyler :
Degrassi is fearless in its storytelling. If young people are discussing an issue in the schoolyard, at the mall or on the Net, then is it a subject matter fit for Degrassi .