Categories cast: new season 11 spoilers

More Season 11 Casting News; Riley Spoilers

As many of you know, season 11 is getting underway at Degrassi HQ. The cast was back this week for read-throughs and an orientation with the new cast. And from what we’ve heard, filming is expected to begin next Monday (March 14th).

We haven’t received much in terms of season 11 spoilers yet. However, last month leaked 4 new character descriptions. Tonight, they revealed more season 11 casting news in their “Ask The Addict” column. New information suggests that Riley’s coming out storyline is far from over, with lots more family drama to come. It looks like we will be meeting Riley’s father next season, along with a new girl currently named “Athena.” Here’s what The TV Addict had to say:

The show currently on the look out to cast a disapproving father who isn’t on board with his son’s sexual orientation is… drumroll please… DEGRASSI. Got that Riley and Zane fans? You’re in for a bumpy ride. Particularly when you also take into account a casting notice that has gone out for “Athena,” a hot and athletic 17 year old who will soon be playing the part of Riley’s “beard.”

Interesting. Read the full column right here!

18 Comments on “More Season 11 Casting News; Riley Spoilers”

  1. @jO It means she’ll be the girl he’s set up with to force him to be straight, basically. Interesting storyline actually, they never did parents forcing their kid to not be gay.

  2. @jO It means she’ll be the girl he’s set up with to force him to be straight, basically. Interesting storyline actually, they never did parents forcing their kid to not be gay.

  3. i read about this story on fan just go on google and search riley and athena degrassi and it will show up! i can’t believe they would steal the persons idea! also in the story riley and zane break up again ;( <<<<<tear

  4. i read about this story on fan just go on google and search riley and athena degrassi and it will show up! i can’t believe they would steal the persons idea! also in the story riley and zane break up again ;( <<<<<tear

  5. AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i cant believe riley is gonna have yet ANOTHER beaaarddddddd!!!!!!!! why cant he just grow a pair and stick up for himself and tell his father “I’M GAY, DEAL WITH IT”!? HE HAS A GREAT RELATIONSHIP WITH ZANE, SO WHY RUIN IT WITH ANOTHER BEARD??

  6. AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i cant believe riley is gonna have yet ANOTHER beaaarddddddd!!!!!!!! why cant he just grow a pair and stick up for himself and tell his father “I’M GAY, DEAL WITH IT”!? HE HAS A GREAT RELATIONSHIP WITH ZANE, SO WHY RUIN IT WITH ANOTHER BEARD??

  7. It has been rumored that Holly J . will be the one to die but Drew is also, rumored. Bianca who will probably be the cause of Drew’s death. Most think a old charcter will not die. The list I have set up is who will not die. list: Clare,Alli,Jenna,Katie, Imogen,Marisol,Wesley,Connor, and finally Dave. This has not been confirmed just my thoughts.

  8. It has been rumored that Holly J . will be the one to die but Drew is also, rumored. Bianca who will probably be the cause of Drew’s death. Most think a old charcter will not die. The list I have set up is who will not die. list: Clare,Alli,Jenna,Katie, Imogen,Marisol,Wesley,Connor, and finally Dave. This has not been confirmed just my thoughts.

  9. Eli falls for the new girl, Imogen, but at the same time he struggles to get over Clare. She also wants to get over him so she moves onto the new guy, Jake, who she has a history with, and his pace is a little too quick for her. Drew is fed up with all the drama Bianca puts in his life so he reconsiders their relationship as Anya turns eighteen and begins to change for the worse, getting involved in things she shouldn’t. Elsewhere, Sav and Ms. Oh have a brewing romance. Adam falls for the new girl, Katie, as she knows he’s transgendered and it doesn’t bother her much. She becomes a friend to him and possibly more. K.C. struggles to balance Jenna, the new baby Tyson, and his budding romance with Marisol. Fiona finds her first lesbian love, Charlie, as Riley continues to struggle with coming out of the closet and pressures from his parents. Alli and Dave possibly reconnect and have feelings for each other for a short time. All the spoilers I know of, enjoy the new season!

  10. Eli falls for the new girl, Imogen, but at the same time he struggles to get over Clare. She also wants to get over him so she moves onto the new guy, Jake, who she has a history with, and his pace is a little too quick for her. Drew is fed up with all the drama Bianca puts in his life so he reconsiders their relationship as Anya turns eighteen and begins to change for the worse, getting involved in things she shouldn’t. Elsewhere, Sav and Ms. Oh have a brewing romance. Adam falls for the new girl, Katie, as she knows he’s transgendered and it doesn’t bother her much. She becomes a friend to him and possibly more. K.C. struggles to balance Jenna, the new baby Tyson, and his budding romance with Marisol. Fiona finds her first lesbian love, Charlie, as Riley continues to struggle with coming out of the closet and pressures from his parents. Alli and Dave possibly reconnect and have feelings for each other for a short time. All the spoilers I know of, enjoy the new season!

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