Categories interviews munro chambers season 11

Munro Chambers on Eclare: “It’s Complicated”

Munro Chambers spoke with The TV Addict recently on what the fans can expect in season 11. In the interview, Munro gives a few hints as to what will happen with Eli and Clare this season, as well as the differences between himself and Eli. Check out the full interview right here. Here is an excerpt on Eli and Clare’s future:

If Eli were to update his relationship status on Facebook with regards to Clare this season, what would it say?
I’m going to go with “It’s Complicated.”

Will fans be happy with the direction Eli and Clare take this season?
I don’t know! We’ve got some new characters coming this season who get in between… um… people. I don’t know. If you love “Eclare” you’re going to be on a tightrope and won’t know what’s going to happen, but I think it’s going to be interesting.