Categories pictures season 11

Season 11 HQ Promotional Stills

In addition to the new opening credits, HQ promotional stills for season 11 were released today. The credit for these images goes to my favourite person in the entire world – Kary at Degrassi Blog! The photos include Holly J, Chante, Anya, KC, Jenna, Eli, Clare, Adam, Alli, Bianca, and (finally) Riley and Zane. Check them out in all their super HQ glory right here!!

2 Comments on “Season 11 HQ Promotional Stills”

  1. Notice how many of the guys are wearing tan jeans or Carhartts instead of khakis with their uniforms – Bianca’s skirt’s not exactly regulation either. To me this is more realistic than Epitome just ordering everything from a single source

  2. Notice how many of the guys are wearing tan jeans or Carhartts instead of khakis with their uniforms – Bianca’s skirt’s not exactly regulation either. To me this is more realistic than Epitome just ordering everything from a single source

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