Degrassi Talks is a Degrassi fan podcast hosted by myself, Bianca from Degrassi Dish, Ashley from Whatever It Takes, and Chrissy from Degrassi Daily. In this episode we discuss the Katie, Kenna, and Tristan storylines in ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing Part 2.’ We also discuss Paige and Sav’s appearance in the Degrassi mini. To listen to the podcast, you can listen or download it on SoundCloud! OR you can subscribe to us on iTunes!!
Episode 21: March 12, 2012
- We discuss the unexpected cliffhanger ending to Katie’s storyline
- Erin brings up Katie’s past eating disorder. Is there more Degrassi could do with that?
- Are KC and Jenna really over for good? Or is this storyline to be continued?
- We give our thoughts on KC’s surprisingly mature reaction to Jenna’s song
- Tristan continues to be one of our favourite characters, with yet another adorable storyline
- We talk about the Owen & Tristan scene, and what it means for previous Owen storylines
- The Degrassi Minis: Are we supposed to believe that Paige/Sav is real?
- The pros and cons of bringing back old characters
- Next week: Love triangles, Fabulous Fiona, and (finally) more Connor