What a night! (No Degrassi High pun intended)
Degrassi’s annual premiere party took place at Much Music HQ in Toronto last night, and the event did not disappoint! Hundreds of fans showed up to meet their favourite Degrassi cast members and watch the season premiere on a big screen in the parking lot. They lined up for hours in the hot weather to be first to catch a glimpse of the Degrassi stars.
The premiere party got underway at 6pm with a special episode of New Music Live. Various cast members were interviewed by Much Music VJ’s around the parking lot, and they talked a lot about the juicy storylines that we are all looking forward to this season! Additionally, a few fans were asked to share their stories about how the characters on Degrassi have inspired them and changed their lives. It was so rewarding to hear about the impact that the show has on its young audience.
After NML, the cast took pictures with fans at a special photo wall and also signed autographs at the nearby Virgin Mobile store. A special live stream was set up on MuchMusic.com so that Degrassians who were not able to attend the event could watch all of the excitement from home. I was also lucky enough to interview a few Degrassi cast members, and those exclusive clips will be uploaded over the next few weeks. Ever wonder how often the cast searches themselves on Tumblr? Keep checking Degrassi Online to find out!
The night ended with a screening of the season premiere in the Much Music parking lot. Fans brought lawn chairs and blankets and watched the episode together. It’s always so exciting to watch Degrassi with a group of people who are going to gasp and cheer at every moment. I have so much love for our Degrassi community!
Throughout the evening, I took lots of pictures of our gorgeous cast as well as a few enthusiastic fans. You can view them all in our gallery!