Do you ever secretly wish that you went to Degrassi?
Despite the fact that most kids who go to Degrassi are lucky to get out alive, I can’t help but wish I could be best friends with Imogen or sitting in detention with Bianca. I’ve been lucky enough to have the chance to visit the set a couple of times, and it is a surreal experience. As a longtime fan of the show, seeing Degrassi Community School in person and walking down the halls is almost like falling into the Degrassi world.
Most of the time, I think about who I would be and where I would fit in at the school. Would I be on student council? The academic quiz team? The Power Squad? There are so many possibilities.
Degrassi’s (many) clubs are an integral part of the show. Over the years we’ve seen the Degrassi Archery Club, the Grapevine, the Friendship Club, as well as countless sports teams and after school activities. In recent years, however, it’s the Degrassi Drama Club that has taken the spotlight. How much would you like to be co-directing Romeo and Jules with Eli Goldsworthy by your side? The Degrassi Drama Club has had plenty of ‘drama’ over the past couple of seasons, both on stage and off. That’s what has made it so compelling.

Lucky for me, I do have a little piece of Degrassi Drama in my wardrobe. The Degrassi Drama t-shirt (worn by Clare and Eli above) is currently for sale in the Degrassi Store!
Often the first thing people say when they see me wearing this t-shirt is “you watch Degrassi?” Umm… yeah. I do a little more than watch it. But it’s definitely a conversation starter and a great way to meet other fans!
Earlier this summer, I was hanging out with Kary (who you all know from Degrassi Blog) outside of a Toronto subway station. Kary was decked out in his own Degrassi Drama t-shirt as we were about to visit various Degrassi landmarks throughout the city. All of the sudden, the one and only Aislinn Paul (aka Clare Edwards on Degrassi) walked right by us. She instantly recognized Kary thanks to the t-shirt, and we had a little conversation with her.
So if you plan on running into Aislinn Paul anytime soon, or you just want to pretend to be Clare Edwards for a day, the Degrassi Drama t-shirt is only $19.99 if you buy it from the Degrassi Store. It may not buy you a ticket to Degrassi Community School, but you can show off your Degrassi pride to the world!