Categories cast: current charlotte arnold interviews

Charlotte Arnold Interview With Back Stage

Check out this Charlotte Arnold interview with Back Stage from last week. She is adorable. In the little excerpt below she talks about staying grounded. She also discusses filming so many episodes for Degrassi and her real life high school experience!

A2W: How do you remain grounded?

CA: You need normalcy, and you need a family that’s going to keep you firmly on the ground. There are even people who I know in Toronto who are unbearably diva-like. I look at that and think, “You look ridiculous. People don’t want to spend time with you.”

It’s funny being here (in the U.S.), all the different people we meet who are involved in the industry, they’re so used to having people make demands. They’re rushing to please you. Ray (her co-star Raymond Ablack) and I are just like, “We’ll take what we can get. We’re happy to be here.”