Various Degrassi cast members were in attendance at the Gemini Awards last night. Nina Dobrev, Adamo Ruggiero, Lauren Collins, Ray Ablack, Melinda Shankar, and many more were all there to support Degrassi as the Geminis paid special tribute to Degrassi’s 30th anniversary. You can now view pictures from the event in our gallery!
Categories appearances awards pictures
I dont see Chambers in any of these photos??? Im so confused.. does chambers wear glasses? Did he disquise himself? Was he even there?
Dear Munro,
I love you! Im your biggest fan!
I hope we get 2 meet eachother some day
I dont see Chambers in any of these photos??? Im so confused.. does chambers wear glasses? Did he disquise himself? Was he even there?
Dear Munro,
I love you! Im your biggest fan!
I hope we get 2 meet eachother some day