Ever wonder what goes into choosing the songs used on Degrassi? Much Music has the answer! They recently posted little descriptions from the Music Supervisors on how every song is chosen for the show. It looks like this is going to be a weekly thing, so keep checking back at MuchMusic.com for more!
One of my favourite songs in last week’s episode was Peacock Dance, heard at the end when Adam is reading Fiona’s letter. Here’s what the Degrassi Music Supervisors had to say about that one:
Peacock Dance by The Smooth Maria
This is an epic track. Epic. We like to call this the “loose ends montage song”, but that doesn’t do it enough justice. The song marches along, steady, calmly, driving the emotion behind Adam reading Fiona’s letter, it pounds like a heartbeat and you can feel how excited and terrified he is to be reading it. The beautiful shots of Dave and Sadie, Anya waiting at the restaurant, Fiona accepting her faults, culminating in a bright, innocent, youthful smile from Adam makes for yet another memorable Degrassi moment and song.