It’s the night all you Degrassi fans have been waiting for: the world premiere of Degrassi season 9!!!
This season’s premiere promises to be everything we’ve come to love about an episode of Degrassi. Featuring one of our favourite characters (Peter), tonight’s premiere is all about heartbreak, jealousy, and of course drugs.
I hope all you Canadians enjoy the premiere! Let us know what you think by leaving a comment after you’ve seen it.
omg i am so excited i watched the trailer i million times and i just like paused it on the scene where peter gets hit by a transport or almost email please i am huge degrassi fan. so email em any news on it
omg i am so excited i watched the trailer i million times and i just like paused it on the scene where peter gets hit by a transport or almost email please i am huge degrassi fan. so email em any news on it
Hey! I noticed Dalmar Abuzeid (he plays Danny) in the new CTV Promos for the Olympic Red Mittens commercial. He’s standing in front of the lake in the promo.
Hey! I noticed Dalmar Abuzeid (he plays Danny) in the new CTV Promos for the Olympic Red Mittens commercial. He’s standing in front of the lake in the promo.
It was amazing. So much better then last season.
It was amazing. So much better then last season.
Omg I love degrassi. Peter is like the new craig. I cant wait untill friday can some one send me think to watch the full video. please and thank you.
Omg I love degrassi. Peter is like the new craig. I cant wait untill friday can some one send me think to watch the full video. please and thank you.
degrassi is a really awesome show.why is so different from other teenage shows. tell clare that she is a really cool prson
degrassi is a really awesome show.why is so different from other teenage shows. tell clare that she is a really cool prson