Categories degrassi nyc much music season 10 season 9 twitter

Degrassi Takes Manhattan Canadian Premiere Date

Thanks to Stephen Stohn on Twitter, we now know the Canadian premiere date for Degrassi Takes Manhattan! Stephen tweeted that it will premiere on Friday, July 16th on Much Music. A few days later, on Monday, July 19th, season 10 will premiere (also on Much Music)! Stephen also confirmed that the last few episodes of season 9 will continue starting THIS Monday on Much.

No word yet on the exact Degrassi Takes Manhattan & season 10 premiere date for TeenNick. But we are expecting it to be air around the same time. For now check out TeenNick’s Preview from the movie.

Categories degrassi nyc

Forbes March to Appear in Degrassi NYC Movie

A new interview with TV Guide has revealed that Canadian soap actor Forbes March will have a role in the Degrassi NYC movie to be released sometime next year. March talked about his character as well as how proud he was to get the chance to appear on Degrassi.

TVG: You’re obviously not playing a kid enrolled in Degrassi …
FM: [Laughs] No, I am clearly not! But somehow I am still playing a decade and a half younger than I actually am! I play George, a romantic foil for the character of Jane who is played by Paula Brancati. My character runs into her in New York City. When he discovers she can sing, George replaces his lead singer with Jane. It was a full-circle moment for me because I was a huge fan of Degrassi as a kid. The show was — and still is — on the cutting edge socially. When I joined Degrassi, I felt like I became a part of history.

To read the full interview with March, click here.