Categories alicia josipovic daniel kelly interviews jordan todosey munro chambers samantha munro season 11

Cast Members Describe Summer Season Finale

Cast members Alicia Josipovic, Daniel Kelly, Jordy Todosey, Munro Chambers, Samantha Munro tease the finale with Hollywood Life in a short clip taken from a longer video that will be available after the finale broadcast.

Just how intense is tonight’s mid-season finale of Degrassi? “It’s about as ‘Oh my God’ as it gets,” Daniel Kelly told during a recent visit to the show’s Toronto set.

Read the rest here.

Categories behind the scenes charlotte arnold daniel kelly interviews ray ablack samantha munro season 11

Exit Interview featuring Charlotte, Ray, and Samantha

The seniors have officially graduated from Degrassi and with the new format, the cast members playing those seniors graduate from the show as well. Hollywood Life was on set to interview Charlotte Arnold, Ray Ablack, Samantha Munro, and a cameo from Daniel Kelly in this video. Read the rest here.

Categories annie clark chloe rose cristine prosperi daniel kelly jessica tyler sam earle twitter

Degrassi Cast Live Tweeting

The Degrassi Cast will be hosting a live tweeting session from Much Music each night this week from 8:30 EST until 9:45 EST.  At least three cast members will be on during that time and will be interacting with fans. There are some special rules for this, the cast will only be responding to properly tagged tweets so make sure you include their name hashtagged for a chance at a response. They will not be responding to @ replies at during those times. Read more here.

Monday August 29th

Tweet Chloe Rose by including this hashtag: #chloerose

Tweet Daniel Kelly by including this hashtag: #danielkelly

Tweet Jessica Tyler by including this hashtag: #jessicatyler

Tweet a general question by including this hashtag: #DegrassiGrad

Tuesday August 30th

Tweet Sam Earle by including this hashtag: #samearle

Tweet Annie Clark by including this hashtag: #annieclark

Tweet Cristine Prosperi by including this hashtag: #cristineprosperi

Tweet a general question by including this hashtag: #DegrassiGrad

Wednesday August 31st

To Be Announced

Thursday September 1st

To Be Announced



Categories behind the scenes daniel kelly jahmil french munro chambers

Behind the Scenes With Daniel, Jahmil, and Munro spent some time on set this past week, and they just recently posted this new behind the scenes video. It features Daniel, Jahmil, and Munro rapping in the green room in between scenes. What can I say about this video? There are no words to describe it. Watch for Aislinn being adorable in the background!

EDIT: Also check out this interview with Munro, as well as this one with Jake & Chloe! It looks like we are going to be getting a lot of new behind the scenes clips from this website leading up to the premiere!