Categories site news

Taking a Step Back…

Hi everyone,

Over the past few weeks, you have probably noticed that Degrassi Online has not been updated as frequently as it once was. I wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking a step back from this website over the next few months.

When I started Degrassi Online in 2008 (back then it was still, there were very few Degrassi fansites or blogs. Twitter and Tumblr were not as prominent as they are today, and Degrassi was between the new and TNG generations. I started as a way to support the show that I loved and believed in. I knew there was an audience who would watch the new generation (then Clare, KC, Alli, etc.), and I wanted to connect to that audience. When I was a teenager, Degrassi was my hope. It was the one thing I could look forward to every week. It is so great to see future generations having that as well.

It has been an amazing 4 years. I have made some incredible friendships in the Degrassi universe and I am so grateful for the experiences that we have all shared together. I have had the privilege of visiting the set of Degrassi, working with the amazingly dedicated people at Epitome, and leading various projects such as our most recent Degrassi Design Competition.

I know this probably sounds like a ‘goodbye’ message, but I don’t intend it to be. Degrassi Online will not be closing completely. You will still be able to find all of our old content, podcasts, etc. You may also hear from me from time to time, but note that I will not be able to update very often. There will be a lot of changes in my life next year as I have been given various opportunities that I am excited to take on. I don’t have the time and motivation that this website requires, but I will never stop watching Degrassi (how could I?).

Love to all Degrassians!

Categories behind the scenes exclusive season 12 site news

Degrassi Bloggers Visit the Set of Degrassi

Yesterday I, along with 4 other Degrassi bloggers, were lucky enough to get the chance to visit the set of Degrassi in Toronto. We were there to meet the producers/actors/writers/crew/etc. and get an inside look at the production side of the show. I was there with Kary from Degrassi Blog, Alex and Taylor from Degrassi Experience, and my fellow blogger and Degrassi Talks co-host, Ashley. I think I can speak for all 5 of us when I say that we had an amazing time! We were so lucky to be able to have this experience. Degrassi is very open to working with the fans and bloggers. It is obvious that they are so passionate about the show, because we love it so much. I’ve never met such an open and welcoming group of people.

I will have lots of behind the scenes details to share throughout the summer season, but in the meantime, here are some interesting details about our visit.

Read More

Categories behind the scenes exclusive pictures season 12 site news

Pictures: Degrassi Bloggers Visit the Set

Yesterday, myself along with Kary from Degrassi Blog, Alex and Taylor from Degrassi Experience and Degrassi Online’s own Ashley were lucky enough to get the opportunity to visit the set of Degrassi! My exclusive report from the set of Degrassi season 12 will be posted shortly. In the meantime, check out some of the pictures I took throughout the day. You can find them all in this album in our gallery.

Also, if you haven’t already, check out the Degrassi Online Twitter for updates that we tweeted throughout the day!

Categories site news tumblr

Follow Degrassi Online on Tumblr!

Degrassi Online has joined the Degrassi Tumblr Community!

For those of you on Tumblr, you can now follow Degrassi Online at http://Degrassi–! Get the latest Degrassi news straight to your Tumblr dash, as well as pretty gifs and everything that Tumblr has to offer.

Tumblr is a micro-blogging community where you can share videos, pictures, music, etc. If you’re not on Tumblr yet, you can sign up right here.

Also check out official Tumblrs from Degrassi & its cast members:
Annie Clark
Aislinn Paul
Alex Steele
Cassie Steele
Jordan Todosey
Melinda Shankar
Chloe Rose
AJ Saudin
Alexx Benoit
Official Degrassi
Degrassi Writers

Categories site news

Welcome New Contributor – Chrissy readers may have noticed that we’ve had a lot more posts this past week. All of the credit goes to our new contributor – Chrissy!

Chrissy is going to be helping me out with updates as my life becomes more hectic. I’m very happy to have her!

Degrassians may know Chrissy already. She runs the very popular Twitter account @DegrassiDaily, with close to 1,500 followers! She also worked on the old, the Degrassi Realm Forum, and the Tales of Degrassi website. Chrissy has been watching Degrassi since 2002, and she is currently a college student focusing on Web Design and Film.

I think that Chrissy is going to be a great addition to the family. Go follow her on Twitter if you haven’t already, and keep checking for all the latest Degrassi news and media!

Special thanks to everybody else who applied to be a contributor. I was overwhelmed with applications. If I ever need more help, I will get in touch with some of you soon!!

xox Erin

Categories site news

Attention Degrassians!! Needs Your Help!!

Attention Degrassians!!

As you may have noticed lately, I’ve been finding it difficult to keep this website up to date the way that I would like it to be. Due to the fact that I’m going through many changes in my life right now, I haven’t had the time or motivation to update as frequently as I used to. However, I definitely do not want to close this website anytime soon (I love it way too much).

So this is a call to all of you. Any Degrassi fan who would like to get involved in maintaining this website — I need your help! I am primarily looking for somebody who (along with myself) can update with the latest news and Degrassi information.

Here is a brief example of the type of posts I make here at
-News articles about Degrassi
-Video interviews with Degrassi cast members
-Press releases from Epitome, CTV/Much Music, and TeenNick
-Updates on previous Degrassi Junior High & TNG cast members and where they are now
-Promos and spoilers (e.g. episode summaries)
-Making & uploading screencaps (**This is a big – and sometimes annoying – job, especially with 4 episodes per week)
-Uploading other pictures (e.g. promotional pictures, cast appearances, etc.)
-Awards & nominations Degrassi receives
-Any other new information about Degrassi and its cast/crew

I’m looking for someone who meets these qualifications:
-Excellent written communication. I’m looking for somebody with proper grammar and spelling, and who can maintain a level of professionalism that I want for this website. This isn’t your 11 year old sister’s Twitter account. is all about keeping fans up to date on the latest Degrassi news.
-Has the time and motivation to keep up to date. This is the most difficult part for me. There are days when there isn’t any Degrassi news, but then there are also days when there is like 10 stories that need to go up as fast as possible. I’m looking for somebody who is able to keep up with the Degrassi fandom and update as often as possible.
-Experience using WordPress. This is not essential, because WordPress is easy to use and I’m sure most of you would be able to pick it up really fast. But if you have a WordPress blog or website already, it’s definitely an asset.
-Basic Photoshop experience. I don’t use Photoshop for much other than resizing and sharpening pictures for thumbnails. You don’t need to be an expert; just somebody who knows the basics.
-The most important part: A love and respect for the Degrassi brand. I’m looking for somebody who loves Degrassi, not only as a television show but as a concept or idea. This is not an Eli Appreciation Website, nor is it even a website solely for The Next Generation. It’s for everything Degrassi, from Kids of Degrassi St. to Now or Never. Degrassi is a quality show that has not only changed youth culture, but the lives of young people around the world. I want that kind of passion to shine through.

If you are interested in helping out, please send an email to and I will try and get back to you within the week.

Thank you!

Categories site news

New Layout!!

As you can see with your very own eyes, has a brand new layout!!

I decided to change up our look as we begin the next batch of new episodes (which, by the way, are less than 1 month away!!!). This layout features the gorgeous pictures from a recent TeenNick photoshoot. It’s fun, it’s bright, and I hope you guys like it!

This layout was designed by Becky from! As you can see, she is a great web designer. Make sure you visit her website for allll your website & graphic design needs.

Let me know what you think of the layout AND if you find any links that need to be updated. I think I got them all, but let me know if there’s something that still isn’t working.

Categories site news

New Gallery Layout!

Just wanted to let you guys know that we (finally) have a new layout for the photo gallery. I think it looks really great! Big thanks to for making it for us! And also thanks to Aislinn for always looking so adorable.

I am working on uploading screencaps for the seasons I haven’t done yet. Hopefully season 2 will be up by this weekend sometime! I’ll keep you guys posted.

Categories site news

Brief Hiatus; Back on Monday!

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that will be on a brief hiatus for the next 5 days. I am going away this weekend, and apparently the hotel is sans internet. It’s tragic, I know. Anyway that means that promos, screencaps, news, etc. wont be updated until Monday night. I hope you all enjoy Umbrella Part 1 without me! Looks like it should be a good episode. Hopefully I’ll still be able to check in on twitter every once in a while.


PS. We now know that after “Halo Part 2” (episode 1032) airs, it looks like we will be without Degrassi until February 2011. Somehow we’ll make it through…

Categories sam earle site news

Happy Birthday & Sam Earle!

Today is the 2nd anniversary of I started this website on Oct. 4, 2008. Maybe the layout wasn’t as pretty back then, but this little project turned into so much more than I ever intended! When I started it was the beginning of season 8. Degrassi was going through a rough period. A lot of the old fansites were closing, the old fans were moving on, and the new generation was being introduced. I knew there were new fans out there who were going to love Degrassi, so I wanted to create a fansite that supported the new cast & characters. is a fansite for Degrassi as an institution – whether it’s Junior High, TNG, or the current cast. I love Degrassi, its message, and its heart. It’s amazing to see how much Degrassi has grown since 2008, specifically this past year. I love how passionate the fans are about the “new” characters (not so new anymore!). Hopefully this site will keep going for another 2 years! Degrassi is a good show – they should have no problem.

Also, today is the birthday of one of those “new” cast members I was talking about. Sam Earle is turning the big 1-7! Make sure you all wish him a happy birthday on Twitter!! It really is true what they say – 17 is the best year of your life. Enjoy it!

Categories site news

Forum Update

A few updates to tell you guys about.

First of all, the forum finally has a proper layout. I hope you guys like it! I’m really happy to see how many people are visiting the forum already and hopefully this new look will encourage even more people to join. Click here to check out the forum!

Secondly, the forum is causing me a few problems however. It seems that when too many people are connected to the forum I get this error: “Too many connections [1040]” And for a short amount of time nobody is able to access the forum or even the main site. I have contacted my host about this problem and I am looking into it. But if you guys find that you can’t get to this site, the forum, or the gallery – try again in about a half hour or so. It usually fixes itself eventually. Thanks for being patient! Hopefully this will be sorted out soon.

Categories site news Forum Now Open!

Lately I’ve been hearing about some interest in a forum for discussing all things Degrassi. Well now it’s finally here! You guys can check it out at This forum is still in its early stages – a new layout & more content will appear in the coming weeks. But right now you guys can register and start using it if you’d like. Feel free to leave comments for any suggestions you may have, and post about whatever! More updates are coming soon.

Categories exclusive site news twitter

Twitters, Mobile Apps, and Visiting the Set!

Straight from Epitome to my email inbox, first of all I can tell you guys that a Degrassi mobile app is now in development! I don’t know all of the details yet but they did tell me that it is both “informative and fun”!! Exciting!!!

Secondly, a few more character twitters have been created including the one and only Zane!! Here is the updated list of all 21 twitters:
Adam – @FunAdam
Alli – @heartAlli
Anya – @AnyaMacP
Bianca – @BeeDeSousa
Chantay – @ChantayBlack
Clare – @TrueClare
Connor – @ConnorDeLaurier
Dave – @DavesDegrassi
Declan – @CoyneDeclan
Drew – @DrewTheOne
Eli – @RealEli
Fiona – @fificoyne
Fitz – @Fitz4Life
Holly J – @thehollyj
Jenna – @songbirdJM
KC – @KCdegrassi
Owen – @OwenMill
Riley – @QBriley
Sav – @rockstarsav
Wesley – @WesleyBetenkamp
Zane – @TheZanePark
Are you guys enjoying the character twitters this season? They have been a lot of fun, haven’t they?

And last but certainly not least, I can now tell you guys that I will be visiting the Degrassi set THIS MONDAY!! As most of you already know, this is my prized for winning the Ultimate Fan Contest! Kiley & I will be traveling to Toronto to meet the cast & crew! I am so unbelievably excited just to visit Degrassi itself!! Of course I will be sharing everything I can with you guys so stay tuned for that. And once again I want to give a big thank you to everyone who voted for me last month!! This really means soo much!

Categories site news

New Layout!

As you can see has a brand new layout for your viewing pleasure! It was made by the one and only Doesn’t it look great?? I thought it would be perfect to try something new for season 10. This one is a lot brighter and more upbeat! Let me know what you think.

In other site news, the youtube account got suspended this morning. It was completely without warning – no email or anything. It’s very annoying especially since I’m very busy today getting ready for the premiere. And unlike ACES I’ve never been suspended before. Alas, our new youtube account can be found at So please subscribe & watch that account from now on – it’s where I’ll be posting all the new videos.

Also, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter tomorrow. I will be tweeting from the premiere screening at Much Music. The entire cast will be there, and hopefully I will get the chance to talk to some of them. So if you have anything specific you want me to ask send me an @reply!

Categories blogs site news

Fan Blog Application Results

Thank you all so much for your fan blog applications!

I had such a difficult time trying to make a decision. I am so surprised at how many I received. I thought I might get 1 or 2. Instead my inbox is full! I loved reading all of your applications. We are all so passionate about Degrassi, especially it’s messages and concept. It’s great to see!

Despite the difficulty, I managed to come up with a top 4. The following people have been automatically accepted:

To to rest of you: we just have to wait and see how much space I have left! 🙂 I sent an email to everyone who applied – let me know if you didn’t get yours.

Since this site is called, I think that it needs to be more about the fans themselves. We already have CTV and TeenNick’s official websites where we can watch episodes and find information. This is our little space on the net. Hopefully these blogs will be a fun place where we can talk about everything and anything Degrassi!

Categories site news

Last Day for Blog Applications

Just a reminder that today is the deadline for fan blog applications. We’ve received a lot of great applications so far, it’s going to be really tough to make a decision! If you still want to apply, you can do so by the end of the day today. I will be making a decision tomorrow, and will email all those who applied.

Information about the Degrassi fan blogs and how to apply can be found right here!

Categories site news

Start Your Own Degrassi Blog

Since I have lots of webspace still available, I decided to give you the opportunity to start your own Degrassi fan blog and have it connected to Bloggers will be expected to write about anything related to Degrassi (episode reviews, ideas for season 10, cast news, character opinions, etc.) If you’ve always wanted to blog about Degrassi this is your big chance!

Successful applicants will receive the following:
-Webspace to host your blog
-Complementary WordPress installation (your blog must use WordPress)
-Some assistance in creating a basic WordPress theme (if you require it)
-The opportunity to share your opinions on Degrassi and be a part of the network!

If you’re interested, click here for more information on how to apply!

Categories music season 9 site news

Music from Season 9

Finally, I updated the media section of with a music guide for season 9. It includes myspace, youtube, and other misc. links to songs featured on Degrassi in season 9. Looking for the song playing during the club scenes in “Start Me Up” or the montage scene in “Heart Like Mine”? Look no further! Click here to check out the season 9 music guide. You can also find a guide to music from season 8 right here!

Categories facebook site news Now on Facebook!

Yes, it’s finally true. Everybody get excited! is now officially on Facebook!! Check out our page right here and become a fan! All of the latest and greatest Degrassi news will be posted there in addition to our Twitter making it even easier to keep up with the Degrassi fandom.

As I’m typing this we already have 8 fans and I haven’t even posted the link yet!!!! I’m so impressed. Thank you guys so much!!

Categories site news

New Layout, New

If you’re reading this you’ve probably figured out that has a brand new layout!!! It was designed by I have to say that if you ever need a fansite layout, you should definitely check them out. So helpful, easy, and the result looks great, don’t you think? A big thank you!

In addition to a new look, will be undergoing a number of other changes in the coming weeks as we head into the new year. Here are a few new features you can expect to see:
+More screencaps from previous Degrassi seasons
+Interviews with fans, crew, cast, etc. Basically anyone who makes our Degrassi fandom so great!
+Redesigned Twitter and Youtube pages, plus a brand new Facebook page!
+A Degrassi web directory (links to the cast on twitter, fansites, official sites, etc.)
+An opportunity for your Degrassi fan blog to be connected to!
+Plus so much more!

I hope everybody loves the new and improved! I do this because I love supporting Degrassi and bringing the fans together. In 2010, Degrassi will mark its 30th anniversary on Canadian TV! I think I can speak for all Degrassi fans when I say how proud I am of this amazing accomplishment.
Stay tuned for more updates and let me know what you think!

♥ Erin